The PEQUENOS REBENTOS harvest, in the Demarcated Region of Vinhos Verdes, which began on the 30th of August, led to the conclusion that we were facing a truly atypical year. It was in the hope that the equinox would not bring heavy rains that the month of September was spent, in front of bards and “ramadas”, white and red grapes, Alvarinho and Brancelho. There is a small photographic record, made by the Melgaço Town Hall, of the first day of harvest in Melgaço.
The PEQUENOS REBENTOS harvest, in the Demarcated Region of Vinhos Verdes, which began on the 30th of August, led to the conclusion that we were facing a truly atypical year. It was in the hope that the equinox would not
The PROIBIDO harvest started in the Douro in between dry and hot days, wich is expected from the unique climate of the Douro Demarcated Region.
The PROIBIDO harvest started in the Douro in between dry and hot days, wich is expected from the unique climate of the Douro Demarcated Region. This year we had an extremely hot summer that didn't let the vines let up